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What Liquor is Good For Weight Loss

Your weight loss journey should begin by defining the pain points in your diet and addressing the areas that could do with change to maximise your efforts. Many people initially make the mistake of overlooking the calories that they consume via liquids and this can be especially true for liquor. The good news is that you won’t have to cut alcohol from your diet entirely – there are smart choices that you can make to keep your goals on track.

What to know about liquor for weight loss

If you are concerned about giving up your favourite drink, a key piece of information when considering liquor for weight loss is that the higher the alcohol percentage, the higher the calories. This means that while some will be better for weight loss than others, a simple change like lowering the strength can also be worthwhile.

In general, spirits have no carbohydrates, sugars, or additives that will have a negative impact on your healthy eating habits. Issues typically arise when flavorings are added during the bottling process or when mixers are used to improve the taste. It seems like a no-brainer that fizzy pop and pre-made fruit juices will add calories, colours, preservatives and more, but many individuals simply remove alcohol from their diet completely without thinking too much about it.

What liquor is good for weight loss?

Here is a list of the lowest-calorie liquors (in order):

  • Dry wine: 84 to 90 calories
  • Vodka: 96 calories
  • White rum: 96 calories
  • Gin: 87 to 98 calories
  • Plain whiskey: 105 calories
  • Sparkling wine: 128 calories

You may not want to drink your liquor neat, so opting for natural, fresh-squeezed fruit juices, soda water and even just a splash of lemon or lime can make a healthy difference. Remember that motivation will play a part in your ability to stick to a weight loss plan, so don’t deprive yourself of alcohol entirely, but manage your intake and make wiser decisions instead.

Is drinking liquor bad when losing weight?

It can be especially important to understand that while some liquors can be high in calories, unless you are regularly drinking to excess, their overall impact on your diet isn’t likely to be huge. In general, there are a host of secondary factors that can make liquor an unwise selection. For example:

  • Liquor can increase your appetite and cause you to eat more
  • If you experience a hangover the next day, you may find that you won’t feel well enough to go to the gym or keep up with your usual exercise regime
  • Stopping drinking entirely may cause you to fall off the wagon when social events pop up. When this does happen, you may lose motivation and your diet plan may end up suffering as a result

This means that the key takeaway should be that on its own, liquor isn’t likely to make you gain weight, but it can impede your success if you don’t put a solid plan for alcohol in place.

About Author

Sam Menton

Lover of all things beer, spirits and wine! Excited to be sharing as much content on British Beers as possible, enjoy!

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