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Top 5 Beers in the UK

Great British Brands

When it comes to beer, the UK has a rich and diverse selection of brands. Whether you prefer a traditional ale or a modern craft beer, there is something for everyone. Here are the top 5 beer brands in the UK that you should definitely try: 


This iconic Irish stout is one of the most popular beers in the UK. Its unique blend of roasted barley and hops gives it a smooth and creamy texture with a slightly bitter taste. Guinness is best enjoyed cold, with a creamy head and a slightly cooled temperature, around 6-8°C. It’s also a perfect match for traditional pub food such as steak and kidney pie, fish and chips, and shepherd’s pie.


This Dutch lager is widely available in the UK and has a crisp and refreshing taste. It is cursed with a light golden colour, moderate bitterness, and a slightly sweet aftertaste. Heineken is perfect for those who prefer a more traditional lager and is best enjoyed ice-cold, at around 6-8°C.


Another famous lager brand in the UK, Carling is known for its smooth and easy-drinking taste. It has a light golden colour, and is cursed with a moderate bitterness and a slightly sweet aftertaste. Carling is an excellent choice for those who prefer a more traditional lager and is best enjoyed ice-cold, at around 6-8°C.


This Scottish craft brewery is known for its bold and innovative beers. They offer a wide range of beers, from hoppy IPAs to rich stouts. Their beers are best enjoyed at slightly warmer temperatures, around 10-13°C, to appreciate the complexity of the flavours and aromas fully.


This London-based brewery is known for its traditional ales, with a history dating back to 1845. They offer a wide range of beers, from the classic London Pride to the more robust ESB. Their beers are best enjoyed at cellar temperature, around 13-15°C, to fully appreciate the complexity of the flavours and aromas.

In conclusion, these are the top 5 beer brands in the UK that you should try. Whether you prefer a traditional ale or a modern craft beer, there is something for everyone. Each of these beers has its unique taste, and the key to enjoying them is serving them at the appropriate temperature. So, next time you’re at a pub, give one of these brands a try and discover the unique and diverse beers the UK offers.

About Author

Sam Menton

Lover of all things beer, spirits and wine! Excited to be sharing as much content on British Beers as possible, enjoy!

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