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Taffes is a modern Magazin and news paper WordPress Theme.this theme use your personal bloging site and use newspaper, magazin, fashin, photography and many more. This theme create by elementor pagebuilder easy to use

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Category : Food

Why beer batter is best for fried food

Why beer batter is best for fried food

Beer batter is a delicious and versatile batter that can be used to cook a variety of foods. It is made with a simple mixture of flour, eggs, and beer, and it can be used to coat fish, chicken, vegetables, and even fruit. Beer batter is known for its light and crispy texture, and it […]

What to Mix with Beer

What to Mix with Beer

Sometimes, there’s nothing more refreshing than a nice cold beer, but what do you do when you want to eat good food and your beverage is acting as more of a distraction than an enjoyable element of your meal? Well, just as wine can be paired with foods, this can too, so let’s take a […]